Thursday, April 26, 2012

Everybody will visit eventually....

Here at our homestead, we schedule weekly clean-up chores that tend to get put off until the build-up is immense and all of a sudden we have guests scheduled to arrive. Sounds typical, doesn't it? Well, I am starting to realize I have to think like the guests are always ready to arrive...  that way, when I get time, I clean...   I found I can do more with my "to-do lists" if I actively look for the time to do it & schedule it among more enjoyable activities! How about vacuuming? No problem, let me read a chapter, then vacuum, then read another....  Dishes? Got it! Let me watch the podcast, do the dishes, then watch another....   Rewarding each and every chore harkens back to the days when I was a kid and my mom gave me an allowance....   Having great time management skills does slip away from you...  but like riding a bike, you just gotta get back on!

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